Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Life. Different.

LOVEFriendship. poverty. Shift. Laughter. Silly Faces. Worship. dancing. Games. Rice. CHANGE. Duck. TrustSoccer. Red DirtPomegranateMudHiking. Honor. Land Rover. Wisdom. Stars. Dialect. Smile. FaithSugar. feet. Calling. StrengthDesire. Tears. Goats. children. Hugs. Praise. sharing. Focus. Memories. JesusWaterfear. Chosen. High Five. Heart. Guidance. church. Gratitude. Will. rest. fortitude. Creation. Time. Moments. Help. Bond. hands. Sickness. Mother. Peaceful. Need. Disciple. Unityweakness. Beautiful. Moon. Relentless. labor. Song. Warmth. Fearless. Heaven. Clapping. Chickens. Road. ShoesDevotionAmenitiesLifeBackpack. Medicine. Serve. Joy. Language. perspectivewonder. Welcome. Give. Home. Father. 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Adventure of a Life Time

At this very moment, we are literally down to just hours away from our departure for Africa.  I am quite sure I am working purely off of adrenaline as I mad rush around the house finishing last minute cleaning projects, packing, and any other things that enter my mind that *need* to be done.  I am pretty sure my kids think I am crazy :).  In all of my madness, just the thought of Africa brings me to tears.  I am anxious, nervous, excited, joyful and eager to experience God in a new way.  My biggest desire and prayer is that I can love the way God loves.  That through me, His pure love will be bestowed upon the people of Mozambique.  I want nothing more than to be a vessel.  To be what He desires me to be.  I am nothing without God and I am nothing without His grace.  What an honor that God sees me fit to show His love in this way.  My prayer is that I can do this humbly and selflessly.  All the honor, all the praise, all the glory belongs to HIM.  We are so excited to go on this journey.  Thank you for going with us....

Africa - here we come!


p.s.: I will blog and post pictures as I can!!!

Friday, September 2, 2011


Last January, I created a personalized calendar through Shutterfly. I chose a family photo and scripture for each month.

Tonight, I flipped from August to September. My eyes immediately were drawn to the photo, which is one of my favorites of Jake and I.

Then, they moved over to the scripture I had chosen.

"Therefore go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Matthew 28:19.

The Great Commission

Last January, Jon and I had no idea we would be headed to Mozambique, Africa during the month of September. We did, however, PRAY our willingness to go where He lead.

It has been just overwhelming watching God work through every detail of this opportunity. From the prayers and support to the care of our children, He has provided a smooth road. Watching our dear family and friends WORSHIP God through us by their prayers and support has literally brought us to tears.

Thankful. Times Ten.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

We're going to Africa

The words of one of our most beloved worship songs echo through our minds constantly these days.

"I'll go. I'll show
The power of your love
The world. Will know
The power of your love"

And that's what we are jumping out of our seats to do. After years and years of recognizing the desire and impression on our hearts designated towards outreach and missions, we have our first opportunity to "go". And we are going to Mozambique, Africa. How awesome is that?!

We are beyond words to be given this amazing opportunity to share God's love. Where we feel unequipped, we know that He will equip us. Where we feel unskilled, we know at he will provide the tools. Where we feel a language barrier, we know the Spirit will work through our actions. We know and trust that HE is in this all. And He will provide all that is needed.

We are asking for prayers. Lots and lots of prayers. Please pray specifically that God will be working in our hearts, preparing our hearts and minds for what's to come. Pray for our health, leading up to the trip and during the trip (we have received our immunizations, but are still at risk for malaria and other sicknesses). Pray for our children, as we will be away from them for over a week. And please pray for our financial efforts as we raise money.

We are so excited to share this journey with you and can't wait to see the way that God will use us to show His love.

Jon & Erin

Thursday, July 14, 2011



Jon and I are BEYOND THRILLED to announce that we have been given the amazing opportunity to be on the leadership team heading into the country of Mozambique, Africa. 

This will be our very first missions work together and we can't wait to see the many ways God will use us in Africa.

We will be providing our services by building latrines (outhouses) and assisting in other village building projects.  I (Erin) have the amazing opportunity to co-lead a VBS style children's ministry program to the children of the village!!  

Alongside our friends, we will bond together to build....
faith. love. and hope.
 Amongst the people of Africa.

Please take a moment to watch this video from the previous Mozambique missions trip.  

Donations are Tax Deductible.
Payable to Radiant Church with an indication that the money is to go towards our account.

Jon and Erin Wiens
15433 W. Cottonwood Cir.
Surprise, AZ  85374 and

We appreciate your prayers and support as we embark upon this new journey!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Today we prepare for Kids' Camp '11

SOOOO EXCITED!!  For many reasons.... here are a few:

1. Kids Camp is my favorite event of the year.
2. This year, our team has the honor of facilitating camp - our very own Pastor Mikki is the speaker :D
3. We get to escape the summer heat (yesterday reached 119')
the best reason of all...
4. Jake AND Maddie are going. :D

As we head into Camp Week it brings back memories of last year. Below are those highlights...


Friday, April 15, 2011

First Haircut!

Yes, she is 3 1/2.  Yes, I am JUST now giving her her first haircut.  I was holding on to that long hair for sooo long, but knew it must come to an end... considering only a portion of her beautiful blonde hair was long, as she had many different lengths of hair.  Her hair seemed to grow in stages - maybe due to the daily headband she wore as a baby :D.  

Finally, I was able to say goodbye to layers.

Thank you to Miss Christa...


Sweet Lexie Lu!

Sunday, January 30, 2011


The kids celebrated their 100th day of school this past Friday.  This has always been a monumental day at PEC and the kids enjoy choosing an item that they can bring 100 pieces of to share with their class.  They also spend the day doing other activities planned around 100.

Both Jacob and Madison packed 100 mini marshmallows into a ziplock baggie to share with their classmates.  Madison had originally chosen to bring 100 gummy bears, but Jon and Lexie couldn't help themselves... bringing the number down to a sorrowful 84.  So, with the marshmallows we went.

Madison also filled out a worksheet titled, "If I had a 100..." and this is what her answers were:

1.  If I had 100 dollars I would: buy a IPad touch
2.  If I had 100 pencils I would give them to the school
3.  If I had 100 mosquito bites I would: get loshen (lotion) for me
4.  If I had 100 friends I would: play with them
5.  If I had 100 legs I would: be able to walk anywhere
6.  If I had 100 eyes I would: be a monster
7.  If I had 100: books
I would: read them
8.  If I had 100: papers
I would: draw on them
9.  If I had 100: worms
I would: scream
10.  If I had 100: markers
I would: color with them

Started making me think how I would fill in the blanks.  Without putting too much thought into it, I came up with the following:

1.  If I had 100 dollars I would: go clothing/accessory shopping at "Downeast Basics" (my new favorite store) and spend $75 on a new outfit, then get a $25 pedicure
2.  If I had 100 pencils I would: donate them to a children's charity
3.  If I had 100 mosquito bites I would: die.  Not really, but I would feel like dying.
4.  If I had 100 friends I would: be so thankful, and yet, I feel that I already do :)
5.  If I had 100 legs I would: wish that they were arms
6.  If I had 100 eyes I would: really know what my kids were doing at all times
7.  If I had 100: necklaces
I would: wear one each day
8.  If I had 100: pieces of chocolate
I would: be done with them within days
9.  If I had 100: days of vacation
I would: split them equally with my family and with my house
10.  If I had 100: bins/tubs
I would: organize every cabinet and closet in my entire house

Happy 100 :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Say Anything

I love all the sweet, witty and silly things my little one's say:

Thanks for an idea to document memories and events 
from my sweet cousin, Brooke at Aspiring 4 More
I am creating an on-going list that I will update as these sweet, witty and silly things are spoken.

So, in no particular order (including timelines), here a few to start off with...

Lexie: "I can pee like a big boy, too!"

Jacob: "Maddie, you should thank me for being alive." 
Maddie: "Why?"
Jacob: "Because, if I hadn't been so cute as a baby they wouldn't have wanted any more kids."

Maddie: "Hamblerger" - she said this up until 1st Grade

Mommy: "Lexie, what do you want for Christmas?"
Lexie: "makeup, a screwdriver and pink makeup."

Lexie: "I don't like strawberries (she is allergic), but I love chocolate!  I eat all my chocolate like a good girl!"

Thursday, January 20, 2011


This year, I resolve for a year of change in the Wiens home.  

I resolve to grasp the true meaning of the verse...

"Be Still, and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

We Wiensies love to talk.  We love to laugh.  We love to share.  
If you know us, you know we aren't the quiet type.  
The word, "shhh" is often heard in our home because one of the kids is being too loud.  

This year, I desire for the word, "shhh" to have a different meaning.  
I long for an understanding of being quiet in a way that's different than just not being loud.

I long for my children, my husband and especially myself to learn to be "still".  

To wait upon the Lord, to hear his voice in our hearts and to obey his commands.  

I resolve to change my home to be still in God.  

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sister Blog

If you haven't yet - hop on over to my other blog

to see my attempts at decorating, organization and creativity


Jake was chosen to perform in PEC's "Character Assembly", which recognizes students who have demonstrated that quarter's character trait (citizenship, responsibility, trustworthiness, fairness, caring and respect).  He, along with seven other 4th graders, acted out a small skit about responsibility (this quarters chosen trait).  He (of course), played the Dad who was talking to his daughter about her chores. 

 **Ahh, I could see me coming out in him as he spoke his lines**
"Honey, you can't go outside to play until all your chores are done."
I've said that a thousand times...

What he didn't know, was that he had also won the responsibility award!!  This is his second character award to win in his 5 years at PEC - the other was respect.  


VERY pround Grandparents