Thursday, December 30, 2010

Lexie's Preschool Christmas Performance

 Little Miss Lexi Lu shocked me completely by participating in her classroom's Christmas Performance.  Why did she shock me?  Well, what some of you may not know about Lexie is that she is very shy and does not like attention from anyone other than her family members.  During the church performance she freaked out and her teacher had to hold her the whole time.  Seriously sad day :( and she was all dolled up and knew all the songs and movements, but was too scared when facing 1500 people.  So, I didn't expect anything different during her preschool performance. 

But, she did it.  And she sang her little heart out and did all the moves.  Needless to say, I was beyond super thrilled and proud!

Yay for Lexie!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Our little lady represented the 2nd graders in PEC's 4th Annual Spelling Bee this week!
Madison was one of the twelve 2nd graders who competed.

There were two practice rounds, then the students were ready to go! Madison spelled "Worship", "Giggle" and 3 other words correctly.

I found myself unable to watch her when she spelled her words (for fear that I would mess her up by crying!). Both her Daddy and Nana also came to watch her compete. We were all so super duper proud!

The word that Madison spelled incorrectly was, "telephone", in which she spelled, "telaphone". So close, Maddie! She ended up tying for 2nd place for the 2nd graders.... total WIN!

Bee Joyful :)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Tradition

The Wiens Family
Christmas Trimming
..... a look into our past




As tradition continues, it was Madison's turn to place the star on the top of the tree this year...
We also have made it a tradition to buy a personalized ornament each year...

This is the ornament that started it all
An array of just a few of the personalized ornaments

This is a branch little Lexie Rose decorated - she had way too much fun with this project! She would run excitedly to me, reach for her next ornament, run excitedly back to the tree, hang it and start the process all over again. I found myself taking ornaments off the tree, just so she would have more to hang.

Merry Christmas

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Spelling Bee

Madison is in the School Spelling Bee!
She will be a representive in the annual Spelling Bee at PEC. Spelling was always a subject both Jon and I were strong in, so of course we are super proud!
It's this coming Tuesday - and we won't miss it for the world!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Dear Santa,

Dear Santa,
I would like a cell phone, a laptop and an x-box 360 for Christmas.

Dear Santa,
I would like a Barbie, some clothes, makeup and jewelry for Christmas.

Dear Santa,
I would like some makeup, a screwdriver and pink makeup for Christmas.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Maddie's class project was to make and design a stuffed paper animal. She was assigned a dolphin :). So, after a fun trip to Michaels and lots of glue and glitter (and a little help from Dad and Mom), her project is complete.

Happy Monday :)

Thursday, September 30, 2010


... was one of those days.

The Beginning:
1. Ran out of lunch items for kids to take to school. Lunches consisted of pb&j, a fruit strip and 3 pink marshmallows (leftover from baby shower)
2. Lexie decided to have 2 meltdowns. I chose my battle (allowed her to wear clothes that were mis-matched, but was firm about fixing her hair)
3. Getting Lexie into her carseat was a battle times two
4. Lexie messed up her hair while I was putting her into the car seat
5. Dropping off Lexie in her classroom was equally relieving for both her and I
6. On way to Walgreens to pick up card for friend and realized I left my debit card in back pocket of jeans worn day prior
7. On way back home to get debit card, I saw a dead cat on road that was very similar in color to our family cat, Woody

Then the day perked up :)
1. Celebrated my dear friend Carey's birthday amongst other friends at Paradise Bakery for breakfast
2. Received an apology phone call from Lexie "Mommy, I say I sorry, love you."
3. Went to lunch at NYPD Pizza with friends - and enjoyed a thrilling ride there
4. Held a newborn baby
5. Ate lemon cake for above mentioned friends' birthday
6. Had fun night at church
7. Walked in the door from fun night at church was greeted by my sweet cat, Woody.

Wonder what tomorrow has in store :)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Let's try this again. New Blog.

I have been reintroduced to the blogging world in the last six months... and have become slightly obsessed with following the lives of others.

Perhaps our lives are worthy of sharing with you.


It's time to start a new blog... a blog about my family
the Wiens'

- otherwise deemed...
the Wiensies (thanks Ginger)

This is us...

Erin (Me) & Jake - 9 years

Madison - 7 years

Jon and Lexie Rose - (almost) 3

We look forward to sharing our world with yours.
