The kids celebrated their 100th day of school this past Friday. This has always been a monumental day at PEC and the kids enjoy choosing an item that they can bring 100 pieces of to share with their class. They also spend the day doing other activities planned around 100.
Both Jacob and Madison packed 100 mini marshmallows into a ziplock baggie to share with their classmates. Madison had originally chosen to bring 100 gummy bears, but Jon and Lexie couldn't help themselves... bringing the number down to a sorrowful 84. So, with the marshmallows we went.
Madison also filled out a worksheet titled, "If I had a 100..." and this is what her answers were:
1. If I had 100 dollars I would: buy a IPad touch
2. If I had 100 pencils I would give them to the school
3. If I had 100 mosquito bites I would: get loshen (lotion) for me
4. If I had 100 friends I would: play with them
5. If I had 100 legs I would: be able to walk anywhere
6. If I had 100 eyes I would: be a monster
7. If I had 100: books
I would: read them
8. If I had 100: papers
I would: draw on them
9. If I had 100: worms
I would: scream
10. If I had 100: markers
I would: color with them
Started making me think how I would fill in the blanks. Without putting too much thought into it, I came up with the following:
1. If I had 100 dollars I would: go clothing/accessory shopping at "Downeast Basics" (my new favorite store) and spend $75 on a new outfit, then get a $25 pedicure
2. If I had 100 pencils I would: donate them to a children's charity
3. If I had 100 mosquito bites I would: die. Not really, but I would feel like dying.
4. If I had 100 friends I would: be so thankful, and yet, I feel that I already do :)
5. If I had 100 legs I would: wish that they were arms
6. If I had 100 eyes I would: really know what my kids were doing at all times
7. If I had 100: necklaces
I would: wear one each day
8. If I had 100: pieces of chocolate
I would: be done with them within days
9. If I had 100: days of vacation
I would: split them equally with my family and with my house
10. If I had 100: bins/tubs
I would: organize every cabinet and closet in my entire house
Happy 100 :)